Jimmy From Brooklyn

Take some time and listen to this interview of an American anti-communist activist from New York who is known by the moniker “Jimmy From Brooklyn”. I’ve heard Jimmy From Brooklyn call in to several conservative talk shows over the years trying to expose the Marxist takeover of every aspect of our government and society. He used to call in frequently on Michael Savage’s radio show during the Obama years, however Michael Savage dismissed a lot of what he had to say even though he was right on the money. Jimmy says that most conservatives in America don’t understand their enemy, thus they are losing the war. He is exactly right. Jimmy talks about the Hegelian Dialectic and how they are using the method to reach their end goal as well as the Marxist infiltration in the Islamic world to create terrorist groups. I would say that Jimmy From Brooklyn is more knowledgeable than I am on these subjects as he has been studying them for the last 50 years. Pay attention to when he states that communism is satanic. He doesn’t really get into it but I suspect he understands the occult roots of socialism and communism. A adept researcher doesn’t have to dig very far to find this evidence. Make no mistake about it, communism is just the political/economic/societal system the Illuminati are using to enslave the human race. Illuminism is Communism. Liberation Theology sprang out of the Jesuit Order. All of the major communist world leaders have either been highly degreed Freemasons or members of other secret societies. Nelson Mandela was a member of the Sovereign Military Order of the Knights of Malta and was also a Freemason. He brought communism to South Africa and the people of European descent that live there are suffering greatly under their communist government. But the establishment controlled media will tell you that Mandela ended the racist apartheid of South Africa and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, so everything is fine. South Africa is on the verge of civil war and I will say that if you want to get a glimpse at what is coming in America, watch South Africa.

Please watch the above video, and I will remind you also like I always do that in order for these change agents to be fully successful in sovietizing these united States, they must disarm the population. Just a couple of weeks ago in Maryland, “law enforcement” killed a man while serving a “red flag” order to take his guns away because he was accused of being unstable.


We are on dangerous ground. Under these “Red Flag laws”, all someone has to do is accuse you of being mentally unstable or a threat, and without any proof or due process, jackbooted police thugs will be at your house demanding that you hand over your firearms. It could be something as simple as a jealous ex-girlfriend going to the cops and saying that her boyfriend was abusing her. And guess what? The President that some of you voted for and now worship as your savior supports it. And it is supported by the NRA, so all you fools giving money to the NRA thinking they are fighting for your gun rights are sadly mistaken. I predict that more of these red flag laws are coming. More states are going to adopt them and more innocent people are going get killed in the process. Remember, America was founded as a Constitutional Republic. You are endowed with certain unalienable rights and any person suspected of a crime is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. All you people that have been fearing the day when the Nazi stormtroopers that call themselves “police” go to your door and demand surrender of your weapons is here. So my question is this, dear reader: What are you going to do when they come to your door? Are you going to hand them over sheepishly like a coward? Or are you going to take a stand and valiantly resist tyranny against all odds like our ancestors did?


I just want to take a moment and remember Gary Willis of Glen Burnie, MD who died defending his unalienable Creator endowed rights. No matter what the circumstances were, what the police did to him was illegal, unconstitutional, and immoral. To the Socialist State of Maryland: you have this man’s blood on your hands.

He Warned Us…

So Few Listened…

Image result for john f kennedy official portrait

“The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know.”

“For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.

Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.” – President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 1961

“No one has a right to feel that, having entrusted the tasks of government to new leaders in Washington, he can continue to pursue his private comforts unconcerned with America’s challenges and dangers. For, if freedom is to survive and prosper, it will require the sacrifice, the effort and the thoughtful attention of every citizen.

In my own native state of Massachusetts, the battle for American freedom was begun by the thousands of farmers and tradesmen who made up the Minute Men — citizens who were ready to defend their liberty at a moment’s notice. Today we need a nation of minute men; citizens who are not only prepared to take up arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as a basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom. The cause of liberty, the cause of America, cannot succeed with any lesser effort.” 

Rest in Peace President Kennedy

Thousand Oaks Mass Shooter Posted on Social Media during Rampage?

Sorry, I don’t believe any of this bullshit:




Supposedly this is what he wrote after killing the club bouncer, and then the cashier behind the counter:

“It’s too bad I won’t get to see all the illogical and pathetic reasons people will put in my mouth as to why I did it. Fact is I had no reason to do it, and I just thought… fuck it, life is boring so why not?”

Then resumed his killing spree again, then posted this after shooting the bar patrons:

“I hope people call me insane … (laughing emojis).. wouldn’t that just be a big ball of irony? Yeah … I’m insane, but the only thing you people do after these shootings is ‘hopes and prayers’.. or ‘keep you in my thoughts’… every time… and wonder why these keep happening.”

So let me get this straight, he walks up kills the bouncer and the cashier then whips out his phone to post on his Facebook or Instagram page, and no one sees this? No one sees him on his phone with a gun in his hand? No one starts running, or better yet tackles this guy while he’s posting?? How come no one saw this?

Some of his friends that were interviewed said it didn’t even sound like something he would post:

Thousand Oaks Gunman was a Marine Veteran who Often Visited the Site of the Shooting

This stinks to high heaven. So was the reason why this guy did this was to get gun control laws enacted? What he supposedly posted sounds like the drumbeat narrative from anti-gun bigots like David Hogg, Gabby Giffords, and their gun grabbing entourage. I’m not buying any of it. What a convenient thing to post when this is the agenda that is being thrown in our faces. And first they said he posted this to Facebook, and now they’re saying it’s Instagram. So which is it? We will never know since both social media outlets took down his page almost immediately after the incident. No one will be able to independently verify whether or not he really did write it. We have to trust the media and the authorities on their word. Yeah right.



“WHY?” That is the question that most people are asking in the wake of the latest mass shooting. And why do these things keep happening in America? It’s easy to point fingers at guns and the NRA. It’s such a convenient scapegoat for the vast herds of sheeple to focus their rage on after every one of these tragedies. However, I’m going to delve into something deep beneath the surface. As I’ve said many times on this blog, the New World Order plan for the United States can never come to fruition unless the American people are totally disarmed. The 2nd Amendment will be nonexistent in the Marxist utopian future the Illuminati have planned for this country. I speculate that is the reason why we’ve seen a dramatic uptick of these tragedies over the past 10 years. This is an excerpt from a document written by William Cooper in 1997 titled MAJESTYTWELVE. MAJESTYTWELVE was the title of the plans that Cooper saw back in the early 1970’s while he was in the U.S. Navy working as member of the Office of Naval Intelligence on the briefing team for Admiral Bernard Clarey. Cooper saw the documents detailing the Illuminati’s plans to destroy our Constitutional Republic and build a New World Order in its place. I highly recommend reading this document. This was written in 1997 before 9/11, mass shootings, and the endless wars in the Middle East began. In it, he predicted everything that was going to happen going into the 21st Century. You can read the document in its entirety here:




Patches from the Office of Naval Intelligence. Note the Illuminati symbolism with All Seeing Eye in the pyramid capstone symbolizing the ancient Egyptian god Horus, the Thousand Points of Light which is a symbol of the body of the Illumined or enlightened Initiates of the Brotherhood set to rule the world. The second patch says “In God We Trust”, but they don’t tell you which god it is. The god of the secret societies is Lucifer or Satan. Stop reading the exoteric and start studying the esoteric! They constantly laugh in our faces while most of you don’t even understand their symbolism.


MAJESTYTWELVE stated that terrorism would continue until the American People consented to be completely and thoroughly disarmed. The document stated that the second major target would be, “somewhere in the heartland such as Oklahoma City”. The actual target was not named. Since the document was not specific as to the actual target and its location I did not predict Oklahoma City… but my prediction of continued terrorist attacks including major attacks upon the “heartland” of America was accurate.

The World Trade Center bombing, the bombing of the Oklahoma City Alfred P. Murrah federal building and mass shootings by mental and ex-mental patients of large numbers of men, women and children (Stockton California and many others) were, and will continue to be intentional acts of war designed to spread terror and a feeling of helplessness. Most of the ex or current mental patients who have perpetrated these acts are in fact innocent victims of mind control projects that are in activation to further the interests of the socialist new world order.(Emphasis Mine)

“If these acts of terror do not succeed, there will be more bombings, chemical, or biological attacks. They will escalate in the destruction, maiming and killing of men, women, and especially children. More shootings at shopping centers, restaurants, and schools will occur.(Emphasis Mine)

An excerpt out of Behold a Pale Horse by William Cooper:


“This is intended to foster a feeling of insecurity, which would lead the American people to voluntarily disarm themselves by passing laws against firearms… The middle class is begging the government to do away with the 2nd amendment.”

Keep those sentences in mind when you watch this! Pay attention to the two women they interview:

Journalist: “What would you like the politicians to do?”

1st Woman: “They need to step up and do something, instead of just all this talk. Everyone is just all talk and no action. We need to do something about all this.”

2nd Woman: “… I don’t want prayers, I don’t want thoughts. I want gun control and I hope to God that nobody else sends me anymore prayers! I want gun control! NO MORE GUNS!”

You see, the machinations of Illuminati’s Hegelian disarmament plan is working perfectly. Like Cooper said in his book and in MAJESTYTWELVE, the public is demanding that the government enact more gun control laws and doing away with the 2nd Amendment to stop these tragedies. They have created this problem through mind control via Marxist psychologists that have prescribed drugs with Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibiters (SSRI) to their patients as well as programming them through hypnotic therapy. These people are programmed to commit these acts of violence against the public. That is why investigators can never find a motive behind them. They just do what their behavioral handlers have programmed them to do, and in most cases they commit suicide afterwards which is part of the process. The public never knows what “therapist” they saw due to privacy laws. Most of their mental history is sealed. The media just portrays them as another “lone nut” that went on a rampage and that’s the end of it. If you don’t believe me, I’m putting together a list of recent mass shooters to illustrate a clear pattern with all of them. They are all current or ex-mental patients, almost all of them were on SSRI drugs, and some of them have even told friends and family that they have been stalked, harassed and that they feel like someone has been controlling their thoughts. I will document all of it. Research TARGETED INDIVIDUALS and gang stalking. It is dark stuff. Look up the videos on YouTube of Myron May, the man who opened fire in the library at Florida State University in 2014. It’s probably one of the most haunting and chillings stories I’ve ever heard. And if you think that this is all crazy, research CIA PROJECT MK ULTRA and Project ARTICHOKE, a lot of which has been declassified over the years. Research the Tuskegee experiments on the black population if you think that the government wouldn’t do unethical and sick things to ordinary people.

Wake up! What you are seeing has everything to do with creating tragedies in order to get the American people to say in unison “ENOUGH!! NO MORE GUNS!! NO MORE SECOND AMENDMENT!!” Those two women in the video are becoming the faces of millions of Americans to come in the future as these tragedies continue. And they will continue. And for the record, I am not attacking those two women in the video, my heart goes out to them. But they are being manipulated by an insidious socialist agenda that will ultimately lead to the enslavement of every man, woman and child in America. America is the last stumbling block in their way towards their New Age dream of a socialist totalitarian future. They know that they can’t confiscate guns outright because there would be war in America, and they know damn good and well that if the American people turn against them in unison with weapons in hand, it would be the end of their New World Order. Therefore they must use psychological warfare via the old Soviet method of Psychopolitics coupled with the Hegelian Dialect: PROBLEM – REACTION – SOLUTION. They must get the American people to go along with the socialist agenda and make it seem like it was the public’s idea all along. Don’t believe me? Re-read Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars and wake the hell up. This stuff is real and they are not playing games.

On another note, today is the 80th anniversary of Kristallnacht, or the “Night of Broken Glass”.

Shattered Window of a Store

It was the night that extremely violent anti-Jewish demonstrations broke out all over Germany led by Nazi storm troopers (Sturmabteilung) and rioting German civilians. According to Reich officials, the violence was in retaliation to the assassination of a German official in Paris by a young teenage Jew. Thousands of Jewish homes, synagogues and business were ransacked, burned and destroyed in an orgy of violence that killed almost 100 Jews. 30,000 Jews were rounded up that night and sent to concentration camps. November 9, 1938 was a turning point for the Jews that lived in the 3rd Reich. Before that night, they were shunned and treated like second class citizens among all other Germans. After Kristallnacht, Hitler’s “Final Solution” was enacted as millions of Jews were from then on rounded up and taken to concentration and death camps such as Dachau, Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, ect. Let us not forget them, nor forget the fact that GUN CONTROL MADE THE HOLOCAUST POSSIBLE. That’s right, Hitler disarmed the Jews early on. He knew that the Jews could never mount an effective resistance against his governmental persecution and genocide if they were totally disarmed. He first made them register their firearms with the Reich government. After registration, confiscation came next since the Nazis knew where each weapon was and who owned it. Let this be a lesson to all who read it. Gun control = ENSLAVEMENT. History has proven it over and over again. And if you think that what happened 80 years ago can’t happen here, pull your head out. Socialism is gaining traction in America. The recent elections have thrusted prominent socialists into the halls of Congress. Hitler was a socialist and he was democratically elected. He also was trying to create a New World Order. Quit being ignorant and study history before we repeat it.


Gun Control is Coming

Late last night, 12 people were gunned down by another “lone nut” in a bar in Thousand Oaks, CA. The man then turned the gun on himself in the classic fashion as most of these perpetrators do. 11 people were gunned down almost two weeks ago at a Jewish synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA. Earlier that same week, another lone nut opened fire in the parking lot of a Kroger grocery store in Kentucky killing 2. I’ve wrote on my blog in the past that these tragedies are going to continue until they get their gun control laws passed. These events are happening in everyday places, they are meant to create fear in the minds of the public until the public as a whole accepts their solution which we all know is gun control. The bodies haven’t even been removed from the scene at the Borderline Bar & Grill as the socialist politicians and their media mouthpieces are crying out for assault weapons bans, magazine capacity bans, ect:



They will never mention the elephant in the room which is the fact that California has the strictest gun control laws in the U.S., and yet this still happened.

If you think your guns are safe under Trump, THINK AGAIN. I will remind you of this:



Not to mention the bump stock ban:


With the Democrats in control of the House, I have a feeling he is going to cave in to more of their wishes, especially since they will be turning the heat up on their investigations. They will use their subpoenas and investigations as political leverage against Trump, and being that he has already proven weak on his 2nd Amendment stance, I predict that he will eventually compromise or “make a deal” like he always does to keep him out of hot water. Just wait and see, folks. I believe we are just one more national heartbreak away, like another elementary school massacre such as the one in Newtown, CT, from seeing a bipartisan bill that will take away more of our God given rights. It will be hailed by the media and both political parties as a time when, “… the partisan divisions are put aside and we can come together for the safety of our children”. I already see the writing on the wall, folks. It’s going to happen.

Now, I’m not trying to insinuate anything, but I find the behavior of both of these survivors of this shooting, who were also survivors of the Las Vegas concert massacre last year, to be VERY ODD. They are as calm as can be after this event. You come to your own conclusions:

Watch your 6’s out there. Stay aware and always remain in what Col. Jeff Cooper called “Condition Yellow”, a relaxed state of awareness of one’s surroundings, alert but not paranoid. Most people live their daily lives in “Condition White” which is easy prey for a would-be attacker. Most of these “Condition White” victims never knew what hit them.


In these days of societal decay and random violence I recommend reading these two books in order to help prepare you in the event of something like this happening to you:

Principles of Personal Defense by Jeff Cooper: https://www.gunsitestore.com/product/library/books/principles-of-personal-defense/

Left of Bang by Patrick Van Horn and Jason A. Riley: https://www.amazon.com/Left-Bang-Marine-Combat-Program/dp/1936891301

Watch your 6’s out there people. There is no safe place anymore. Remember they are attacking soft targets where they know that no person is going to be armed to shoot back at them. Avoid these places if you can. If you can’t, train and carry discreetly.


The Day After…


Just as I predicted, the Democrats barely took back the House, gaining a measly 34 seats, just 6 over the needed 218 to win control. So much for the “blue wave” they’ve been boasting about all year. The Republicans picked up an additional 2 seats in the Senate, retaining control. So it’s a house divided. What does that mean for America? MORE OF THE SAME. Nothing is going to change in the District of Criminals. The endless military conquests overseas will continue, the deficit spending will continue, and the expansion of the police state will continue. The show will go on. Only the political circus is about to get more insane with the Democrats controlling the House of Representatives. They now have more power to launch investigations and subpoenas against President Trump and they will do exactly that. America got a little taste of what is ahead for the next 2 years during the Kavanaugh debacle, just wait for what is in store for 2019-2020. I predict, however, that the Democrats may overplay their hand, thus leading to another backlash against them in 2 years. They barely took the House of Representatives this go around, when historically, the opposition party takes 50-60+ seats during the President’s first term in a mid-term election. The pendulum barely swung left this time.

Left, right, it doesn’t matter. What we are seeing is a repeat of Germany in the 1920’s before Hitler’s rise to power. Back then, it was a battle between the National Socialists (Nazi Party) and the Communists. In case you forgot, Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany when the Nazi Party won enough seats in the Reichstag in 1933. Hitler was a product of democracy. Remember what Vladimir Lenin said, “Democracy is indispensable to socialism.” Keep that in mind whenever you hear people talking about America being a democracy. Hitler was a socialist and his ideals are cut from the same cloth as socialists such as Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. It’s a truth that the university professors, establishment historians, and the media like to hide. They like to portray Hitler as right-wing, but in truth he was really a left-wing socialist. You see, you can’t have the same extremes at both ends of the spectrum. The spectrum must go from total government control, to no government control. Total control being communism, national socialism, fascism on the extreme left, and no control being anarchy on the extreme right. Those are the two extremes, our Constitutional Republic originally sitting just to the right of center of those extremes.

Going into the future, it’s going to be more of the same. The political theater is about to get messier. Don’t fall for any of it. They have to do this to divide the country and distract the sheeple. When everyone is focused on one hand, always keep an eye on what the other hand is doing.

I also want to address some of the sheeple that told me yesterday that I neglected my “civic duty” when I abstained from voting. Let me tell you something, YOU are the problem in this country. You line up and go to the polls like good little slaves and pick your lesser of two evils every 2 and 4 years, then sit back and scratch your heads wondering why your country is going down the tubes. You people are fools. You are an accessory to this charade that is being played out and you fall for it every election cycle. Don’t tell me that I’m neglecting my civic duty by not playing their game and jumping on board with one of the teams. You are the reason they have so much power over you; you give it to them. I will not partake in a rigged and broken system. The elections were already a forgone conclusion before the herds showed up at the polls. Don’t believe me? Then why did President Trump tell his supporters multiple times not to blame him when the Democrats retake the House? He knew it. No, I will not participate in this game and give any ounce of credibility to the Left/Right paradigm and the political theater that accompanies it. And most of you vote just to impose your flavor of tyranny on the other side. You’re all disgusting, all of you, Democrats and Republicans alike. You don’t have the slightest idea of what this country was founded upon. Our Founding Fathers would be ashamed of you. So go ahead and kiss the feet of your new masters in Congress, you deserve them. I’m not talking about everyone who voted yesterday. Some of you voted on principle rather than partisanship.

“Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.” – John Quincy Adams

For every level headed human being out there who’s not a part of the flock, hang in there. Continue to prepare, pray, and keep an eye out. Things are going to get interesting.

Election Day 2018 – Why Are You Voting?


The Kavanaugh Kabuki drama is over. I know it’s old news but hear me out. Much to the dismay of those on the Blue team, Brett Kavanaugh has been approved by the United States Senate and has been sworn in as a United States Supreme Court Justice. Those on the Red team are jubilant. They now have a conservative Justice that will keep the Supreme Court solidly on the right for another generation. Or do they? Let’s cut through the emotion and the made-for-TV drama and take a hard objective look at Brett Kavanaugh for a change. What the establishment controlled media has portrayed Kavanaugh’s past with the allegations of supposed sexual assault was just a circus for public consumption. In fact, it was all a lie:



I’m going to document reasons why Brett Kavanaugh is just more of the same swamp filth from Washington. That’s right conservatives and Republicans, I’m about to hit you upside the head with the truth and prove to you ONCE AGAIN, that the leaders you support on your team are nothing more than the Hegelian controlled opposition that is steadily sailing this country down the stream to a tyrannical socialist police state. If you’re a steady reader of this blog, you know good and well that I believe President Trump is just another chosen puppet by the hidden machinations that are seeking to enslave us. Who cares if the media hates him. Who cares if the Democrats hate him. Who cares if Hollywood hates him. Stop falling for the deception. Trump is a deep state puppet through and through, and his choice of Brett Kavanaugh is just another sign in a growing list of his betrayal of the principles and ideals on which this once great nation was founded upon. Stop listening to all the lip service about “protecting our Constitution” and “making America great again” and start paying attention to their actions for a change. When you pay attention to their actions, you will see that protecting the U.S. Constitution is far from their agenda.


Read this: http://lyldenlawnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/CADC-order-on-NSA-11-20-15.pdf

So there you have it, dear Republicans and conservatives. I just threw the documentation in your face once again and ground it in. Your new “conservative” Justice is no friend of the Constitution nor the Bill of Rights. Justice Brett Kavanaugh will continue to aid and abet the long train of abuses by our federal government. And you lemmings cheered it on like it was a football game.  Let’s not forget that Brett Kavanaugh also played a role to cover up the murder of Bill Clinton’s Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster back in 1993. Research that little gem. And while you were cheering for your team to win the game at the Kavanaugh hearings, your messiah in the White House was busy signing another huge government spending bill. Remember when he signed the $1.3 trillion omnibus back in March and said that he wouldn’t sign another? He stabbed you in the back once again and signed a bill that not only raises the national debt, but also FUNDS PLANNED PARENTHOOD and research for aborted baby parts. So much for a “conservative” God-fearing pro-life President. Absolutely disgusting!


Not only that, it will saddle the American people with more interest bearing debt owed to the international bankers via the Federal Reserve. Who gives a damn about the Trump Tax Cuts, check out the U.S. debt clock: http://www.usdebtclock.org/ You’re still going to be paying. But at least Hillary Clinton isn’t President right?

I say all this to illustrate my point:


Read that again and let it sink in past the wool and into your thick sheeple heads. It will not matter one iota who wins control of Congress after this midterm election. And I’m talking to people on both teams. Somebody once said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Are things really that different from 5-10 years ago? I’m asking you conservatives out there now, what have the Republicans done to reverse the creeping tide of big government, socialism, and the erosion of our God given rights as Americans? Anybody got a clue? Most of you thump your chests and tout your patriotism and your supposed love of freedom, but then head to the polls to vote for scumbags like Bush, McCain, Trump, ect. who have done nothing but shred our Constitution. And now you’re going to head to the polls and vote straight Republican in order to make sure that Congress isn’t taken over by the Democrats. Those “evil Democrats that will try and stop Trump’s MAGA agenda and try to impeach him”, so goes the talking head propagandists on the radio and Fox News. You will vote Republican and I ask; what the hell for?

When are you people going to wake up? When are you going to get a clue that both parties are really just one single party that appear to oppose each other for public consumption but rarely disagree on the overall agenda? That’s why I advocate a boycott of the vote tomorrow. Quit playing their games, quit falling for their deception. The system is broken. It’s a rigged game that the American people lose every time. Understand the Hegelian Dialectic. It’s the reason why America has a two-party political system, the end goal of the two opposing sides is always the same. And don’t give me this crap about how not voting will ensure the Democrats get control of Congress. Again, what does it matter?

With much disappointment I’ve come to the conclusion this year that most so-called “patriots” don’t get it and are sound asleep. In fact, much of the “patriot” movement has been compromised and is following in lockstep (or goosestep) with Trump and toadies like Alex Jones and “Q”. There are very few that are actively seeking the truth and calling the shots as they are. These facts lead me to believe that what we are witnessing was probably planned by the Illumined Ones from the beginning. A large segment of the nation was very angry after 8 miserable years of an Obama presidency. A backlash was inevitable, so a candidate was presented to this segment and became their savior. This savior could do no wrong in the eyes of his supporters. Sound familiar? It’s just a replay of Obama and his flock from the previous 8 years, only now the roles have flipped.

I predict that the Democrats will take control of the House of Representatives tomorrow, though not by much. The Senate will still belong to the Republicans. Impeachment against President Trump may happen in the future though the Senate would have to try the impeachment. It would be another made for TV circus for the sheeple to chew on while it further divides this country. Divide and conquer is the game. The more people hate each other and see each other as the enemy, the easier it is for the real enemy to enslave us. I will resist tyranny in all it’s forms and from whatever side it comes from, left or right. Both sides are two wings of the same bird of prey, and the prey is us. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m voting by not voting tomorrow. I will not vote for a “lesser of two evils”. Evil is evil. Period. And I despise evil and all its machinations and I will not partake in it. I care not what happens to this Caesar in the White House. He has not kept his oath of office since he’s been elected, thus he does not represent me nor does any “representative” sitting in Congress. I will not play their game nor give it any credibility. The situation in this country is far beyond being fixed by heading to the polls and casting a vote for the masters they’ve selected for us to choose from. All they’re doing is giving a gullible public the illusion of choice. And let me remind you of what they said about the public’s faith in their politicians. Taken from their technical manual Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars:

This public demand is incredible, so the human god, the politician, meets incredibility with incredibility by promising the world and delivering nothing. So who is the bigger liar? the public? or the “godfather”?

“… A nation or world of people who will not use their intelligence are no better than animals who do not have intelligence. Such people are beasts of burden and steaks on the table by choice and consent.”



The government is wearing jackboots on both feet. We are being kicked by both of them. Wake up.