The Suppressed Truth About Hiroshima and Nagasaki

A rare photo of the atomic mushroom cloud rising above Hiroshima on August 6, 1945.

Trinity Atomic Bomb Site – Socorro, New Mexico - Atlas Obscura
Obelisk monument at the Trinity Site where the first atomic test was conducted in 1945. The Trinity Site (trinity = pyramid) is located on the 33rd Degree parallel in White Sands, New Mexico. The order to drop the two atomic bombs on Japan was given by the 33rd President Harry S. Truman who was bestowed the honorary 33rd Degree by the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry after the bombs were dropped on Japan’s two cities with the largest Christian populations. Truman fulfilled his role in the Illuminati’s “Great Work” in 1945.

The establishment and their corporate media lackeys along with their stooges in academia have long maintained that the two atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were a “necessary evil” to make the Japanese sue for peace and end World War II. They assert that the Japanese had no intention of surrendering and were willing to sacrifice every last citizen in battle before surrender. In an effort to put the devastation and mass murder of over 200,000 civilians in a “good light”, the establishment told us that the only alternative to dropping the A-bombs was a full scale invasion of Japan, and that the bombs actually saved the lives of millions in the long run. All of these assertions are lies. The truth is, Japan was already in the process of surrendering before the bombs were dropped. Japan wanted a conditional surrender, however, and requested that their Emperor Hirohito would not be tried for war crimes nor would he be incarcerated or executed under a tribunal. Japan was willing to surrender but wanted to ensure to that they kept their emperor. The United States rejected their conditional surrender and later dropped atomic bombs on the city of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, then on the city of Nagasaki on August 9. Japan later announced their surrender on August 15, 1945, then signed a formal US led unconditional surrender aboard the USS Missouri on September 2. Even though the surrender was unconditional, the Allies never pursued to try and imprison Emperor Hirohito for war crimes, thus granting Japan’s original request.

If the atomic bombs weren’t necessary to get the Japanese to surrender and the United States granted Japan’s original request of their terms of surrender anyway, then what purpose did such a devastating display of firepower serve? The two atomic bombs ushered in the Atomic Age and the Hegelian arms race between the West and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. The bombs were meant to have a psychological effect upon the world. The message conveyed in 1945 by the world power elite was clear: all countries must disarm and give up their sovereignty to the world governing body under the United Nations or else face more Hiroshimas and Nagasakis. For more information on this, research Public Law 87-297 passed by JFK in 1961 and its accompanying State Department Publication 7277. The total disarmament plan was for the military of the United States to relinquish its sovereignty to the communist controlled United Nations. All weapons, including citizen-owned small arms were and still are slated to be banned, and only the United Nations world “peacekeeping” forces will have the monopoly of violence in the New World Order.

The phony Cold War was planned behind the scenes during the Yalta Conference in February 1945 as the post-war world was to be carved up by the United States and her Western allies as well the Soviet Union. The US and NATO (thesis) was to be pitted against the Soviet Union and their Warsaw Pact communist allies (antithesis), both sides created under the auspices of the United Nations (synthesis). In the process, the United States and the Soviet Union would build their up militaries along with their nuclear technology and stockpiles of ICBM’s as the constant threat of imminent war between the two superpowers loomed over the world’s head. The stare down between the United States and the Soviet Union was in fact a scam played out on the world stage to create the fear of an imminent nuclear war between the two countries. In a 1961 speech, President John F. Kennedy stated:

“Today, every inhabitant of this planet must contemplate the day when this planet may no longer be habitable. Every man, woman and child lives under a nuclear sword of Damocles, hanging by the slenderest of threads, capable of being cut at any moment by accident or miscalculation or by madness. The weapons of war must be abolished before they abolish us.”

The truth is is that there really was no threat of nuclear war during those decades following World War II. Nuclear war along with the fallout shelters, duck and cover drills, and the constant manipulated public fear and anxiety of an imminent exchange of intercontinental ballistic missiles by the US and the USSR was the contrived “boogeyman” that the powers that be created during those decades to get nations of the world to look towards world government as the answer to stave off an seemingly imminent World War III.

Like the fire bombings of Dresden, the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki will go down as heinous war crimes, though no one has nor ever will be convicted for them. Admiral William D. Leahy, who was President Roosevelt’s Chief of Staff then later Chief of Staff under Truman, stated to a confidant that the Japanese were willing to surrender as early as 1943. In my study of the war in the Pacific, I firmly believe that the Japanese realized that the war was lost when the US sunk their four main aircraft carriers during the Battle of Midway in June 1942. This coincides with what Admiral Leahy stated and he even later admitted in a 1950 memoir that the Japanese were ready surrender long before the two atomic bombs were dropped.

“The use of this barbarous weapon…was of no material assistance in our war against Japan.” —Adm. William Leahy, Truman’s Chief of Staff

“It was a mistake…. [the scientists] had this toy and they wanted to try it out, so they dropped it.” —Adm. William “Bull” Halsey

“This is the greatest thing in history.” – President Harry Truman commenting on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

How Long Are Christians Going To Do Nothing While Waiting For A False Rapture?


A powerful sermon by Pastor Chuck Baldwin of Liberty Fellowship in Montana. Christians are to be the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13), that we are to occupy (do His work) till He comes (Luke 19:13), and that no man knows when He is coming except for the Father (Matthew 24:36), but instead most American Christians believe in the heretical teachings of Darby and Scofield, and have chosen to follow the “prophesies” of Zionist agents like Tim LaHaye and his Left Behind series of books instead of reading Jesus’ words in red.

Folks, the only “Rapture” that is coming is going to be the black uniformed stormtroopers hauling you and your families off in the dead of night to a concentration camp or an execution chamber. If you think you’re going to escape what is coming in the future, you’re dead wrong. The American church has been watered down and pacified for decades and their flocks are going to be easy prey when the tribulation starts here. There are no warriors in these feminized churches. Where are the Joshuas and the Calebs?

Our freedoms are evaporating on a daily basis while soft, subservient, saltless Christians are still playing games and living a comfortable life thinking they have nothing to worry about because Tim LaHaye and John Hagee said that the rapture is going to happen soon. Modern American Christianity is being put to the fire now, God is sorting out His own. The events of the last few months have really separated the wheat from the tares and this will continue as the beast system continues to tighten the screws. I have no doubts that most of the people that occupy the pews of these “churches” will line up and receive the “mark”. In fact, their pastors will encourage them to do so while citing Romans 13. The real church will go underground like it has done throughout history whenever the antichrist governmental system flourishes in any country. God always has a remnant. The choice is yours, will you conform to this world, the laws and government of men, or will you deny yourself and take care of business right now while we still have an opportunity to do so? There’s no middle ground, you must choose.

Germans Putting Americans to Shame

Thousands protest in Berlin against coronavirus restrictions - Insider

Thousands protest against coronavirus measures in Berlin - POLITICO

Coronavirus: Thousands protest in Germany against restrictions ...

Jewish community protests 'open anti-Semitism' at Berlin ...

Hundreds of thousands of maskless German citizens took to the streets this past weekend to protest the government’s COVID-1984 restrictions. Mass civil disobedience abound as the police try to enforce social distancing, lockdowns and masks. I have a new found respect for the Europeans, they’re not as docile as we thought they were.

Meanwhile in America…

Thousands sign petition asking H-E-B to require customers to wear ...

Masks for Covid-19: America's changing guidance, explained - Vox

Wegmans, Tops, others want shoppers to wear masks, but won't ban ...

The vast majority of the slavish servile citizens continue go out in public wearing face diapers without a whimper and turn on their neighbors who refuse to conform to the tyranny of the “new normal”. The worm has turned. Most Americans are now the “Good Germans”.