The Proselytes of the Pharisees

Profound sermon from this past Sunday by Pastor Chuck Baldwin. An excellent exposé on just how deep the Zionist claws have sunk into every part of this once great nation. Unfortunately, most Christians will deny these truths. Remember though, Zionism is just one part; one branch of this conspiracy against the human race. Freemasonry, the Vatican, Britain’s Committee of 300, The Black Nobility, International Socialism, and all the other branches of the Illuminati play a part. It’s not just the Jews, although many Jews are involved in a definite Jewish Underground to subvert our nation from within who are working through the Mossad, the B’nai B’rith Masonic Lodge and their offspring, the Anti-Defamation League.

Holocaust Remembrance Day


Today marks the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz death camp in 1945 by the Soviet Army, recognized internationally as Holocaust Remembrance Day. Let us not forget the millions of Jews, Gypsies, Christians, homosexuals, anti-Nazi dissidents, and the mentally and physically handicapped that perished under Nazism (National Socialism).

I will also say, since no one dares to bring this up except for the few that have the guts to tell the truth contrary to the politically correct viewpoint, that we must also not forget the people living in Palestine that are currently living in the same Auschwitz-like conditions brought about by the descendants of the Holocaust survivors in Israel. Let us not forget the 5.1 million people that have perished in the Palestinian genocide under the racial supremacy of Jewish Zionism. The truth is this – there is no difference between what Adolf Hitler’s Nazi government did to the Jews and what Israel’s Zionist government has been doing to the Palestinians since 1948. The only difference is is that one group of victims is more equal in the world’s eyes than the other. Like it or not, it’s the truth, and if it makes you angry so be it. I and others are growing tired of a certain group that constantly throws their victim status in the world’s collective faces to justify their crimes against humanity. And I am growing tired of the establishment history and media focusing exclusively on the Holocaust as if it were the only genocide that has happened in world history. Murder is murder, and victims of all genocides and government sanctioned mass murders should be remembered without any special elevation given to any one group. One would think that a society that now focuses heavily on equality would understand this truth, but as Orwell wrote, some animals are more equal than others.


Armageddon Christianity


“We will continue to fight these battles. It’s a never ending struggle… until the Rapture, be part of it, be in the fight.” – Mike Pompeo, God and Country Rally at Summit Church, Wichita, KS, June 28, 2015

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” – Matthew 5:9

“…WAR WITHOUT END, AMEN.” – Christian Zionist prayer

I want to start this off by illustrating the great dichotomy between the teachings of Jesus Christ and a majority of his modern day American “followers”. The top quote is from Zionist evangelical warmonger Mike Pompeo, a couple of years before he became the head of the CIA, later becoming Secretary of State under President Trump. Pompeo is referring to the perpetual wars being waged in the Middle East. Wars that bloodthirsty Christians believe must be waged against the Muslim world for the benefit of Israel and to help usher in the Second Coming of Christ. The bottom quote is taken from Gospel according to Matthew when Jesus Christ taught his Sermon on the Mount.

I want to admit right off the bat that there was a period in my life when I believed and had the same attitude as most American Christians have today towards war and the Muslim world. It was part of the reason why, as a young and naive 18 year old, I joined the military to “do my part” in the fight in the so-called “holy war” that was being waged in the Middle East. As a young Christian and serviceman, I wholeheartedly believed in the lies and false heretical doctrine of C. I. Scofield and John Darby’s Dispensational Futurism. The church that I attended back home with my parents taught this heretical Zionist doctrine which is based on egregious misinterpretation of scripture and prophesy. I distinctly remember shortly after 9/11, how the pastor of our church told the congregation that we were going into the end times, and that one of the last great battles that was prophesied was a war between Christians and Muslims. It’s a “prophesy” that I still cannot find in the Bible to this day. I remember it being said and repeated that the Antichrist was going to come from the Middle East, and that he would reveal himself to the world wearing a blue turban. Many people believed that Osama Bin-Laden was possibly this Antichrist. The Left Behind series of books were at their peak popularity among the American evangelical world. The timing was not coincidental. At the dawn of the 21st Century, millions of people believed that the “Rapture” was imminent, and that the events that were happening in the world were all part of “God’s plan” before the Rapture and the Great Tribulation that was to follow. I believed in all of this back around 2004-2006. It wasn’t until many years later, after much research, that I came to the conclusion that this whole doctrine is probably one of the greatest deceptions that has ever been pulled over the eyes of the Western Christian world. I found that our real enemies, who follow the Luciferian philosophy, deify man as god on this earth and are planning to wipe out any population that does not forsake their religion and embrace the New Age secular humanist religion of the New World Order. I found that they absolutely hate Christianity and that Christians are the number one target slated for extermination in the future, along with the rest of the major world religions. Over the years, as I was digging all of this out, I came to the conclusion that this whole “Rapture” theory was really a deception designed to make Christians docile and apathetic so that they would not put up any kind of resistance to what is coming in the future. It was in fact, a doctrine that was unheard of in the church until the late 1800’s when Scofield and Darby came into the picture. I’ll get more into this in a future article. The Bible makes no mention of a “Pre-Tribulation Rapture”, in fact, it’s quite the opposite; the followers of Christ will endure tribulation and have been enduring tribulation for centuries. There are Christians in the Middle East, especially in Palestine and Iraq, that are enduring great tribulation right this very second. Many antichrists have come and gone over the centuries, all connected to the same Beast System. Over the years, I’ve personally heard Christians state that what is happening in America was predicted in the Bible, and that we must not resist God’s plan. They quote Romans 13 whenever the subject of government tyranny comes up, and they wholeheartedly believe Christians must not resist government. I, for one, am very grateful that our Christian forebears that lived in the American Colonies didn’t have the same slavish attitude that a majority of American Christians have today. Our nation would have never been born had they thought that Romans 13 meant to obey King George III no matter what.

In my research, I found that the leading “Christian” proponents of this doctrine were either highly degreed members of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry or the Knights Templar, and had a deep affinity to the State of Israel. People like Tim LaHaye, Pat Robertson, John Hagee and their cronies have pacified the American evangelical community with this doctrine. Most Christians are now completely disarmed physically, mentally, and spiritually to deal with what is coming in the future. Jesus told his disciples in Luke 22:36 to keep a sword ready for self-defense from persecution. It amazes me how many Christians have never read that passage. Their attitude is: “Don’t worry about the evil in the world, we’ll all be raptured out before it gets bad.” The indifference of modern American evangelicals is selective, however. On the one hand, they are indifferent to the coming New World Order and subversion of their liberties and constitutional republican form of government, but on the other hand, they take a front row seat promoting America’s wars of aggression being waged in the Middle East. They’ll support any pro-Israel/pro-war politician with great fervor and vociferously oppose anyone, like former Congressman Ron Paul, who believes in a non-aggressive/non-interventionist foreign policy. The staunch support of war and aggression by evangelicals is going to be the primary focus of this post.

After 9/11, a fever rose among the American evangelical community. The fever started out as fear; a fear so strong that they were eager to hand President Bush and the government their freedoms on a silver platter in the name of “safety” and “security”. Fear then begat hatred; hatred of the external enemy that the government said attacked the country. That hatred then swelled to the point where those that professed the Prince of Peace were wanting blood. The American Christian war fever was now up and hasn’t subsided since. It still, to this day, puzzles me how a population that was so eager to give up their freedom in exchange for the “security” of Big Brother back in 2001, have been enthusiastically saying for the last 18 years that our military is in the Middle East defending our freedom. It makes about as much sense as 2+2=5. But I digress.

It is now 2020, and we are en route to a head-on collision with Iran. Even though things seem to have subsided for now after the recent tit for tat between the U.S. and Iran, I personally believe that war is still on the agenda and is inevitable. Israel has longed for it; the Zionist neocons in the U.S. government have longed for it; and the Christian Zionists in America have been longing for it as well. It will be another battlefront in the series of wars of aggression that the U.S. and its New World Order allies have been waging for almost 20 years now. Israel has been the greatest benefactor of these American led wars, and I’ve documented in a previous post how our military is really just an Israeli proxy army. Most Christians falsely believe that God will bless us if we support Israel. Israel was created in 1948 under our blessing by the United Nations and the Zionist Rothschild Banking family. I have to say, that since 1948, our nation has been on a rapid decline. When one looks at the decline objectively, can one honestly come to the conclusion that our nation is being blessed by God? Or is America being judged by God? You come to your own conclusions, but I personally believe it’s the latter.

I find that a lot of Christians support these wars because, ultimately, they want to see Armageddon happen in the Middle East. They believe that a major nuclear war would ultimately force God’s hand and thus usher in the events leading up to the Second Coming of Christ. But they don’t have to worry because they’ll be “raptured” out before it all takes place. I get a strange feeling that the likes of Pastor John Hagee really just want to play God. These Zionist zealots would love to see the Middle East (except Israel) go up in mushroom clouds thereby fulfilling “prophesy”, as if God really needs their help. This false doctrine is extremely dangerous since a lot of our own leaders, like Mike Pompeo, believe in it. They are itching to take the next step towards this great war in the Middle East that, I fear, will ultimately lead to the total destruction of the continental United States if we’re not careful. I ask then dear Christian Zionist, do you think Jesus would ultimately approve of all this? Do you really think that the Lord needs our forced “help” in fulfilling His plan? Have you not read Acts 1:7, or really any of the Bible for that matter? Why has your heart turned to hatred and blood lust?

For the record, I am not a pacifist; I just simply believe in the non-aggression principle. There is a time to fight, and that is only when an enemy initiates force against us. These wars we are waging in the Middle East are illegal, immoral, unjust and racist wars of aggression, all being carried out for the benefit of a tiny elite. None of these countries we have bombed, put troops in, and slapped sanctions on ever initiated any overt force against our country. These wars have all been preemptive and based upon lies. I stand against aggression in all it’s forms, whether it be in form of war or economic sanctions, against a country that never initiated a hostile act against us.

Christ, himself, was a proponent of the non-aggression principle. He rebuked his disciple Peter in Matthew 26:52-54 for cutting the ear off an unarmed servant of the high priest during his arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane:

52 Then said Jesus unto him: put up again thy sword unto his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword. (Emphasis mine)

53 Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?

54 But how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must be?

Jesus was rebuking Peter’s act of aggression against the servant. Instead of having faith and understanding of what Christ was to fulfill, Peter acted out in rage and drew his sword in an act of aggression to prevent the arrest of Jesus. Do not get confused with what Jesus said in Luke 22:36, for he knew that his followers would be persecuted after he was gone, and that they must have a sword for self-defense only. Applying this principle, the weapons I own are for the natural right of defense of my life, liberty, and property. They will never be taken up in an offensive or an aggressive manner, at least when they are in my hands. It’s high time that this principle be applied to America’s military and its weapons.

Jesus also said in Matthew 5:43-44:

43 Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.

44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of evangelicals are seething with hatred towards the Muslim world. As I said above, their hatred has given way to an unquenchable thirst for blood. This, again, is totally contrary to the teachings of Christ.

Pastor Chuck Baldwin of Liberty Fellowship in Kalispell, MT, has been sounding the alarm for years about this blood lust of the American evangelical population:

“I tried to warn listeners of my radio talk show on how then President George W. Bush was turning Christian people throughout the United States into warmongers. Because Bush claimed to be a born-again Christian and had successfully garnered the support of so many conservative evangelical Christians, he was able to shift the entire spiritual paradigm of the country. But that’s what wolves in sheep’s clothing do. Phony Christians do more destruction than overt unbelievers. Phony conservatives do more destruction than overt liberals.”

Hear, hear! There’s so much truth in that statement and one of the greatest examples of such is the blind allegiance to Donald Trump by conservative Christians and the patriot movement today. I’ve said in the past that Trump is the ultimate Trojan Horse, and the fools are sleeping as the enemy soldiers take over the city. He goes on:

“But in the eyes of the so-called Religious Right, ANY war a Republican president sends the U.S. military into is a just war—no matter how unjust the war really is. Evangelical Christian pastors are unabashed apologists for war. It is safe to say that a majority of conservative Christians have become rabid warmongers. They cheer for war; they promote war; they glorify war; they worship those who wage war; and they enthusiastically vote for neocons like Lindsey Graham and John McCain because of their support for war.”

“The spirit of war will never be extinguished from our country until it is first extinguished from our churches. A sizeable percentage of all of the evangelical/fundamentalist churches in America today are splits and splinters off of other churches. Christians will fight at the drop of a hat. They will split a church at the drop of a hat. They are filled with the spirit of war.” Source

I believe Pastor Baldwin is spot on about American Christians and their churches. I also believe he is correct to say that these wars of aggression are very much propped up by the large evangelical community who absolutely love war and the war machine. If the Jesus’ message of peace was really being preached from the pulpits across America, and those professing to be followers of Christ adhered to it, then I highly doubt we would be at war right now. It all starts at home and in the churches. French historian Alexis de Tocqueville famously stated after his trip to the early American Republic:

“I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her commodious harbors and her ample rivers – and it was not there . . . in her fertile fields and boundless forests and it was not there . . . in her rich mines and her vast world commerce – and it was not there . . . in her democratic Congress and her matchless Constitution – and it was not there. Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.”

I know some, if not most, will disagree with me on this, but I firmly believe that only a righteous and virtuous population that live by the truth and adhere to the principles of liberty will save America, not a president. It especially won’t be saved by a population of warmongers that support the endless crusade of murder and oppression of other nations overseas.

I want to digress here for a minute, because I think this is important and needs to be addressed since nobody is speaking the truth about it. Most people I’ve interacted with in my daily life this past week might as well have their TV’s plugged into the back of their heads, because all I hear from them is the parroted talking points from the purveyors of Washington D.C. propaganda like CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, and Fox News. I’ve tuned into the mainstream media this past week and heard countless “journalists” and pundits, along with Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo repeatedly refer to Iran as “the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism”. Oh really? Did they sponsor ISIS? What about Al-Qaeda? What about the fact that the Iranian general they assassinated was actually instrumental to defeating ISIS in Syria and Iraq? In fact ISIS just put out a message thanking Donald Trump, through their official newspaper Al Naba, for taking him out! Left that little fact out didn’t they? Who was responsible for the rise of Al-Qaeda then later ISIS? Do your research, the answer will surprise you, or if you’re like me it probably won’t surprise you. Then read George Orwell’s 1984. The real enemy was never Eurasia or Emmanuel Goldstein, it was always Big Brother.

Pompeo, Pence and Trump are lying through their teeth about Iran. Yet the MAGA cult still follows the Judas goat unwavering:

I firmly believe that the sun is setting on the American Empire. Our fall is inevitable and the whole world knows it except us. We tend to think that we’re invincible and that nobody can touch us, but history has proven otherwise. The Bible is replete with examples of God’s righteous judgement upon unjust and aggressive individuals and nations. I pray that He may have mercy upon us, but I echo Thomas Jefferson’s sentiment:

“I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.”

A Citizen

Iran War Links


Updated 5 Jan 2020 1730hrs

This page will be updated periodically as news comes in. In the mean time, get used to seeing the above image if this situation goes full tilt. If you really love your children, keep them way from military recruiters.

Something I want everyone to keep in mind – that is that this whole thing could be a major distraction to coincide with what is going down in the state of Virginia. This month is the month that the Virginia state government will announce the new “laws” that will go in effect curtailing the citizens’ right to keep and bear arms. Don’t take your eye off of Virginia, folks. These times are crucial and deadly serious.

Heck, if civil war does break out and all of our troops are overseas, that’ll be less redcoats that we’ll have to deal with when the Schumer hits the fan here. Look on the bright side folks, they’ll be forced to send foreign troops in, then there won’t be any doubt whose side they’re on instead of speculating with our own troops, most of which will probably follow orders anyways if the recent USMC 29 Palms Survey is of any indication. Just center hold with your sights and squeeze the trigger. Send ’em back to Europe in UN flag draped tin cans.

Iraqi Parliament unanimously votes in favor to expel U.S. troops from Iraq:

Iraqi Parliament Votes to End US Military Presence

That’s not good for our troops, folks. They want to start another war, but there will be no place to launch it. On top of that, Iraq has become an enemy again. We suck at winning friends in that region.

Mike Pompeo, the lying Zionist scum, says we’re safer because the Iranian General is dead. Oh really? Then why did you urge all American citizens to leave Iraq immediately and then went and said that any Americans going into the country better have their will ready? I’m ashamed that this scum sucking creep Pompeo is from my home state of Kansas. He’s the Hermann Göring of the Trump Administration.

Royal Navy deployed:

The truth that the mainstream media will not report:

No, Iran Didn’t Attack the US Embassy in Baghdad

Again, no proof has been put forth that Iran was behind the U.S. embassy protests. Just accusations. Keep in mind that any “intelligence” that they mention on the news comes from Israeli Mossad.

Iran has withdrawn from the 2015 Nuclear Deal:


Excerpt taken from Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars:

“Even more interesting is the process by which a young man’s parents, who purportedly love him, can be induced to send him off to war to his death.”

Or you could just pretend that a war with Iran is a really a good thing. You can encourage your children to enlist and do their “patriotic duty” to “serve their country”. You can cheer them on while waving Old Glory with your mechanical flag waving arms as they board the planes to go die in desert sands. Then you can hang a gold star on your window and a flag on your porch and tell the whole world what a great sacrifice you made for your country. You stupid sheeple.

The rest of you should know that they lied about Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Afghanistan, and they’re lying through their teeth about Iran. Remember, WHO BENEFITS? Always ask that question when you see these events unfold.

Everyone needs to read this first:

Trump’s Fatal Mistake in Iraq and Beginning of End for US Occupation

Same as the old boss:

After Calling Out Obama for Starting War with Iran to Get Re-Elected, Trump Doing Same Thing

Gee, I wonder how many brain dead Trump supporters would be cheering this whole thing on like they’re doing now if Hillary Clinton was president?

And, WOW, GEE WHIZ!!! it’s about time the antiwar Left wakes up out of its 10 year hibernation:

TODAY!, Many Cities Added: National Day of Action – U.S. Troops Out of Iraq!

Where was Code Pink and all these other liberal antiwar groups at when Obama was bombing Libya and killing people with his drones? Where were they when he killed Anwar Al-Awlaki in 2011? Anybody gotta clue? Didn’t think so.

And once again, the executive branch never consulted Congress, and there has been no official declaration of war from Congress as dictated in Article 1 Sec. 8 of the U.S. Constitution:

With Iran War Looming, Congress Has Been Left Out

And you Trump toadies call yourselves patriots? Spare me all your pro-constitution rhetoric, your hypocrisy stinks.

This means war:

Judge Nap predicts war:

Andrew Napolitano is about the only pundit worth watching on Fox News. Trump supporters hate him because he tells the truth, and they don’t want to hear it.

BREAKING NEWSRockets hit Balad Air Base in Iraq:

Dr. Ron Paul – ‘Foreign policy is in shambles’:

America’s war for global domination:

America’s War for Global Domination

It should be titled the Illuminati’s war for global domination, they’re just using America as a vehicle to rebuild the Tower of Babel.

An excellent piece of the puzzle I’ve found in my research. Taken from the Executive Intelligence Review, British Israelites and Empire, November 14, 1997:

“… there will be a new Middle East war by 1998, that will escalate into WWIII. According to de Courcy, Russia is assisting Iran and Syria to prepare for such a war, through the transfer of nuclear technology. In order to save Israel, the British will have to rely upon the United States’ arsenal to obliterate the Russian-Syrian-Iranian alliance. Should President Bill Clinton, who, de Courcy states, hates Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, balk at the escalation, then the British will destroy Clinton by playing their trump card: 60 million Evangelicals in the United States.” Source

You see folks, that’s what the impeachment of Clinton in 1998 was really all about. Clinton turned his back on Israel at the Oslo Accords in the 1990’s, thus he turned his back on the British Masonic hierarchy that put him in the White House. After he graduated from Georgetown University, Clinton went to study abroad at Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar, and thus that made him a direct product of the British Masonic Anglophile conspiracy. British Freemasonry created the State of Israel via their United Nations and the Rothschild banking cartel in London. Clinton was impeached on the grounds of his immoral behavior with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. The Religious Right crucified him and he was disgraced. It’s also worth mentioning that Trump has Zionist evangelicals as his core base of supporters. I also believe that the reason why Hillary Clinton was to never become president was largely due this fact I mentioned above. Thus, they made her the perfect fall person for the Left in 2016.

Deja Vu:



U.S. Military = Israeli Proxy Army


“We are ready to commit to the defense of Israel and anytime we get involved in a kinetic fight there is always the risk that there will be casualties. But we accept that, as in every conflict we train for and enter, there is always that possibility,” – Lt. Gen. Richard Clark, USAF, (ZIONIST TRAITOR)

Things are heating up again in the Middle East. Iran has been blamed by the Trump Administration for the recent Iraqi protests at the U.S. embassy in Baghdad, even though no evidence was put forth to support such accusations. But perhaps, maybe, the Iraqi people are genuinely angry with the United States since we destroyed their country and continue to carry out airstrikes in Iraq like we did last week? Is Trump and Pompeo really that stupid to believe that the Iraqis are not righteously angry enough to commit an uprising of this sort on their own after almost 17 years of illegal military occupation? The Iraqi people had enough, but Iran is an easy target to pin the blame on, especially if you’re trying to build a case for war. Blaming Iran for every flare up in the Middle East has become a common pattern ad nauseum for the past year, whether it was the oil tanker attacks in June, the Saudi refinery attacks in September, or the latest incident at the U.S. embassy in Baghdad. Clearly, Iran has been in the crosshairs for quite sometime. It’s not hard to see the fact that the Trump Administration is trying to build a case to go to war against Iran at the behest of Zionist Israel.

For a very long time, Israel has wanted Iran to be wiped off the map, for it is the biggest stumbling block in the way of Zionist domination of the Middle East. Since around 2006, Israel has been putting pressure on the United States to take military action against Iran to stop it’s supposed nuclear weapons program. The U.S. military was mired in Iraq at the time, and a report from the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) in 2007 stating that the Iranians halted their nuclear weapons program in 2003, derailed the initiative to get the Bush Administration to carry out an attack against Iran during the latter part of his presidency. Thus, war with Iran was put on the back burner to simmer, and it simmered for the duration of the Obama presidency, even though Obama expanded the wars into Libya, Syria, Pakistan, and Yemen. Israel tried and tried again to get the U.S. to take action from 2009-2016, with Benjamin Netanyahu famously making a speech before the United Nations in 2012 holding a large graphic of a bomb with the Iranian nuclear benchmarks that he claimed to have been met. The Israeli prize of Iran’s elimination was then curtailed with the signing of the 2015 U.S.-Iran nuclear deal. In 2018, the Zionist Trump Administration backed out of the deal and is now staunchly committed to supporting Israel no matter the cost, including carrying out a war against Iran which may occur in the near future.

The wars in the Middle East carried out by the U.S. military over the past few decades have, in fact, been wars fought on Israel’s behalf. The above quote by Lt. Gen. Richard Clark, when he spoke at a joint U.S.-Israeli military exercise named ‘Juniper Cobra’ in 2018, merely highlights this fact. Gen. Clark is stating that U.S. troops should be prepared to fight and die, not for the United States of America, but for the State of Israel. It’s not a stretch to say that the U.S. military is a Zionist Israeli proxy army carrying out the dirty work against Israel’s enemies. If you’ve read my post titled “In Our Hands”, you will read the overt admission made in 1996 by Ari Shavit in the New York Times of the fact that the U.S. government and the establishment media, are in the pocket of Zionist Israel. Their grip on this country has tightened in the last 24 years, and truth be told, Washington D.C., today, is solidly Zionist occupied territory, or the Zionist Occupation Government (ZOG), especially with Trump doing their bidding as probably the most Zionist president since Lyndon Johnson. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of the Judeo-Masonic B’nai B’rith, as well as other Zionist controlled organizations, dismiss ZOG as an “antisemitic conspiracy theory”. Yet, Israelis like Ari Shavit admit the fact that the U.S. is “in their hands” as well as our military generals who openly state that they are committed to sacrificing their troops on the altar of Israel. Not to mention the fact that our government has been sending billions of dollars every year in the form of foreign aid to Israel, more so than any other country. ZOG is not a conspiracy theory, ZOG is a conspiracy fact.

I want to focus on the military aspect of the Zionist influence in this post. Being a former military member myself, I feel obligated to expose this treason and how our troops are really just the sacrificial goyim soldiers for a Zionist dominated New World Order in the Middle East. Shoshana Bryen, Zionist hawk and neocon former director of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), and now senior director of the Jewish Policy Center, openly stated the following in 2017:

“That is the center of America’s security relationship with Israel – the notion that our two countries have the same founding principles, the same respect for the social contract and for the social covenant. I have taken more than 400 American security professionals – primarily retired American Admirals and Generals – to Israel in more than 30 trips. And at the other end of their careers, I have sent more than 500 cadets and midshipmen of our service academies to Israel before they received their commissions. And I can say that they all understood the fundamental and profound principles that guide both the United States and Israel.

They don’t always agree with Israel’s politics – or Israel’s defense choices – or any other single aspect of Israeli political, military and social life, but I never found one that didn’t believe in the relationship between Jews and the land of Israel.

The United States military, then, is a Zionist institution.” (Emphasis mine) Source

First off, I must rebut what Mrs. Bryen said about both countries “having the same founding prinicples”. No they do not, that is a lie. America was founded on the principles of liberty and unalienable rights. Israel, on the other hand, was founded on the racial supremacy of Jewish Zionism, both principles are mutually exclusive. I will state unequivocally that Zionism is incompatible with true American patriotism, even though the establishment form of patriotism in America is very much intertwined with Zionism. However, she does tell the truth when she states emphatically that the U.S. military is a Zionist institution. It’s worth mentioning that Shoshana Bryen is married to Stephen Bryen, a former member of the Project for a New American Century (PNAC). Remember PNAC? Remember how they openly stated on their webpage back in the late 90’s that the future plans for the 21st century could not be carried out unless “a new Pearl Harbor” event occurred? And lo and behold, what happened in 2001? Are you putting the pieces of this puzzle together? Again, it’s not that hard to see who was really behind 9/11. Forget chasing your tail with all the 9/11 conspiracy theories of holograms, missiles into the Pentagon, remote controlled planes, controlled demolition (though I firmly believe this is the most plausible theory of them all with a mountain of evidence to support it), ect. ad nauseum. All you need to understand is WHO BENEFITED the most from what happened that day. I’ll give you a hint, it wasn’t any Muslim country.

Former SPEC OPS officer Col. Pat Lang had this to say regarding Bryen’s statement:

“It’s an open question but I think the answer is probably yes. The U.S. military now seems to be totally focused on Israeli policy goals in Iran, Syria and Iraq… Israel wants Iran neutered and eliminated as a power rival in the Middle East. The putative Iranian nuclear weapons program is just one target of Israeli policy toward Iran. To reach the goal of Morgenthau-style comfort with regard to Iran, Israel wants to destroy Syria and Hizbullah as allies of Iran… The process of conditioning American officers to make them Zionists has been ongoing for a long time… Americans are mentally driven by aggressive sports analogies and Israel was a winner [of the 1967 “Six Day War”]. That made a big difference in spite of the repeated day long attacks by the Israeli air force and navy against U.S.S. Liberty, an American SIGINT collector positioned off the Egyptian coast…  The indoctrination and conditioning program described by Shoshana Bryen began in earnest after that and has carried through to the present under the umbrella of AIPAC and its galaxy of linked organizations especially JINSA. This program has been wildly, incredibly successful. As a result, there is an unthinking willingness among senior, and not so senior American officers to support Israeli policy in Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and now Saudi Arabia. The handful of M[iddle] E[ast] trained and educated U.S. officers are ignored, treated as technical experts or shoved out the door when they speak up.” (Emphasis mine.) Source

This Colonel understands the Zionist infiltration of the military. He also illustrates how those that don’t toe the mark are quickly herded to the exit door. He also mentions something very important that most American’s have no clue about, which is the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967. The Zionist Israeli government, along with the Johnson Administration, conspired to set up a false-flag attack on an American intelligence ship during the middle of the Six Day War. The ship, the USS Liberty, was sent by itself off the coast of Egypt for a supposed reconnaissance mission. What it was really sent there for was to be a sacrificial lamb in order to frame the Egyptian government and make them look like they attacked an American vessel, thus getting the public support that was needed to get the United States into a war fighting alongside Israel against her Arab neighbors. Unmarked Israeli Mirage fighter aircraft repeatedly strafed and fired rockets into the ship, which was flying a large American flag on its mast, while torpedo boats engaged the ship from the sea. The ship repeatedly sent a distress call out, and Navy fighters were launched but were recalled back by President Johnson himself. By the grace of God, the ship did not sink but 34 sailors lost their lives, and scores more were seriously wounded. The Israeli and U.S. governments could not cover up the facts so they deemed the incident as an “accident”.

I firmly believe that EVERY American serviceman and servicewoman needs to be familiar with the story of the USS Liberty. I highly doubt that this event is ever brought up in the curriculum at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis. It is a story that not only greatly exemplifies the courageous actions of the sailors and marines on that ship in the face of overwhelming aggressive force by a supposed “ally”, but as well as the courage of the survivors that, despite being ordered and threatened to keep quiet by their superiors, openly speak about the event and the fact that the State of Israel is not our ally like we are led to believe. It’s also a story that illustrates just how the top brass of the military and the leadership of the government view the American serviceman. I hope you realize that when you are in the U.S. military, you are expendable. They will send you anywhere to die if the end justifies the means. They don’t care. If that means they have to set up a false-flag attack and sink a ship, killing everyone on board to fulfill their agenda, they will do it.

History clearly shows that Israel has a pattern of coercing America to do their dirty work in the Middle East. We’ve been at war for over 18 years now, thousands of our servicemen have been killed or seriously wounded. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Iraqis, Afghanis, Libyans, Syrians, Pakastani, and Yemeni people have been slaughtered over the last few decades.

These wars have no end in sight. And, now war with Iran almost seems to be a forgone conclusion. Many U.S. troops will die defending Zionism, a racist and totalitarian entity rooted in the secret societies and completely contrary to the U.S. Constitution. The State of Israel is as much of an ally to the U.S. as Rasputin was an ally of Czar Nicholas II of Russia. Our military leaders have sold out. They are traitors of the highest order. If you are a military age man or woman, I once again admonish you to never enlist in the U.S. armed forces. When you raise your right hand, you swear an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Israel is a foreign enemy and has strong influence on the domestic enemies of the United States. Tell them to GO TO HELL when they ask you to fight on Zionist Israel’s behalf. And then tell them to let the self-chosen fight their own wars of aggression.

– A Citizen